Shower Curtains 101 Don’t let shower curtains be an afterthought in your hotel or rental. The look and feel of a bathroom’s shower curtain makes a big impression on guests and what they think about the overall quality an...
Our Top 3 Tips for Dealing with Stains on Hotel Linens Hotel guests love slipping into a bed that’s made with fresh, crisp white linens, or grabbing a clean, fluffy towel after a shower. Lasting stains, even if the bed or bath linens are technically clean...
Does Your Venue Have the Right Linen Collection for the Big Return of Weddings? As in-person milestone events slowly return to our lives, the autumn wedding season for 2021 is ramping up—with 2022 spring and summer sure to be back at full speed. Does your venue have the on-trend,...
The Difference Between Flat and Top Sheets The Difference Between flat and top sheets You often hear the terms flat sheet and top sheet in the context of hospitality housekeeping and bed linens. Many people aren’t sure what the difference betw...
Everything You Need to Know About The Current Supply Chain The past Year Companies and consumers alike have been facing the frustration of delayed shipments and heightened freight fees for months. Approximately 10% of the global container capacity is stacked ...
How to Triple Sheet Like a Hotel Housekeeper Triple sheeting has long been proven as an efficient and sanitary way for housekeeping departments to clean hotel rooms. Triple sheeting is a professional bed-making method that uses a flat or fitted ...
How to Provide a Good Night’s Sleep at Your AirBNB There’s no doubt that a truly memorable night’s sleep in any kind of accommodation will help to earn repeat and loyal customers. For AirBNB owners, the ultimate goal is to recreate the amazing sleep e...
AirBNB Starter Kit for Ultimate Guest Comfort - Part Two Let’s pick up where we left off with our tips for starting up your AirBNB with hotel-quality bed and bath linens. We’ve covered how to provide a memorable night’s sleep to gain repeat customers—now le...
AirBNB Starter Kit for Ultimate Guest Comfort - Part One Beginner AirBNB hosts often struggle to recreate the hotel experience at their rental, simply because of a lack of knowledge about what to look for in hotel-quality bed and bath linens—plus proper car...
Everything You Need to Start a Superior AirBNB INTRODUCTION Want to start hosting guests at your own AirBNB, but aren’t sure where to start? There are multiple aspects to consider when getting set up at your AirBNB accommodation—the list is long, ...
Does Thread Count Really Matter? Thread Count Less is more. We’ve all heard that saying tossed around. But when it comes to bed linen thread count, most people seem to think more is… better? A common misconception surrounding both ho...
How to Wow Your Guests with the Right Hotel Pillows Pillows are an essential part of any good night’s sleep, and in the accommodations sector, they are an opportunity to have guests rave about their exceptional slumber. Pillows are a personal choice, a...